The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD), as Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), issued a Notice of Exemption for the Loma Mar Pipeline Replacement and Water Plant Upgrade Project. The project is exempt under CEQA according to Class 1, Section 15301: Existing Facilities, Class 2, Section 15302: Replacement or Reconstruction, and Class 4, Section 15304: Alterations. The project will replace existing waterlines that have deteriorated and caused catastrophic leaks in the community of Loma Mar, CA. There will be no expansion of use for the Loma Mar Mutual Water & Improvement Company’s water system through this project. The updated pipelines will meet the current standards of public health and safety.

Project Summary
The project aims to replace the community of Loma Mar’s water distribution and supply pipelines which have experienced catastrophic leaks in recent years. The project will be accomplished by using open-cut trenching techniques/directional boring to install new HDPE pipelines and meters. The project will also upgrade the water treatment plant to replace antiquated systems and provide a generator backup. This project will improve water security for the community of Loma Mar and help protect streamflow in Pescadero Creek, especially during the summer months when stream flows are at their lowest levels, protecting habitat for native steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).

The Notice of Exemption and Certificate of Determination of Exemption/Exclusion from Environmental Review can be found on the Office of Planning and Research CEQAnet Web Portal here (State Clearinghouse Number 2022060400).