Download the event flyer here:
2020 Fire Season is NOT Over Yet
You Cut and Stack, We’ll Do the Rest!
Getting Started
- Defend your home from wildfire by creating defensible space.
- Check to make sure your street is included in this chipping event.
- Clear brush and small trees from around your home.
- Pile vegetation on the curbside and we’ll do the rest!
What’s Acceptable
- Branches, limbs and other woody vegetation up to 8″ in diameter.
- The chipper program is designed for residential use only. NO commercial use.
- NO construction or building materials. Must be gree of wire and nails.
- No poison oak, vines, grass clippings or bags of leaves.
- No trash, weeds, rocks, concrete, etc.
- Piles only, no bags.
November 6
Selected Streets for Montara and Moss Beach:
- Sunshine Valley Rd
- Tamarind St
- Alamo St (including side streets)
- Grand Ave (including side streets)
- East Montara Blvd
- Monte Vista Rd
For more information, please contact the San Mateo Fire Safe Council.
650-712-7765 x 115 or
This service is provided free of charge to area residents by San Mateo County through Measure K funds. Donations are accepted.