Technical Assistance for the Healthy Soils Program
What is the Healthy Soils Program?
The Healthy Soils Program provides funding to farmers and ranchers to integrate soil-building management practices that also increase on-farm carbon sequestration and reduce on-farm greenhouse gas emissions into their operations.
Practices eligible for funding include:
- Field borders, filter strips, and grassed waterways
- Reduced or no-till
- Prescribed grazing
- Range planting
- Silvopasture
- Windbreaks, riparian buffers and hedgerows
- Cover crops
- Reduction in fertilizer application
- Compost and mulch application
How does the Program work?
The program funds Incentives Projects to help farmers and ranchers implement three years of whatever practice/s they choose. CDFA also funds Demonstration Projects, which have an outreach component to show neighboring farms and ranches about using those conservation practices.
The grant has a solicitation period in which operations can apply. CDFA will release grant guidelines which explain funding availability, the application process, and selection criteria soon. The grant is submitted online through the CDFA’s application portal. CDFA’s Healthy Soils Program webpage shows if they are accepting grant applications, the timeline for the application process, and how to apply.
How can the RCD help?
The San Mateo RCD is available to help you with your Incentives Program grant. We can:
- Tell you more about the Healthy Soils Program
- Scope your project ideas
- Assist you with your application
- Help you with implementation, monitoring, and reporting after grant awards are received.
If you are interested in Demonstration Projects, the RCD may be able to partner with you. Please let us know if you’re interested in applying!
Other assistance for healthy soils projects:
Interest in soil building and carbon sequestration projects with the RCD? See our Carbon Farming program.
You may also be able to receive assistance from NRCS through their Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP).
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
- California Department of Food and Agriculture
RCD Contact: Kasey Butler

2020 Grant Solicitation (stay tuned for 2021)
RCD Healthy Soils Program Handout (English /Spanish)
RCD Compost Handout (English/ Spanish)
RCD Cover Crops Handout (English/ Spanish)
RCD Hedgerows and Windbreaks Handout (English/ Spanish)
CDFA’s HSP Program:
Local assistance:
Kasey Butler (habla español)
650-712-7765 x108
Adria Arko:
650-712-7765 x105