Download a PDF of this Request for Qualifications here.

The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) seeks contractors to support restoration, water conservation and security, erosion control, assessment and upgrades to rural roads, and other conservation efforts throughout San Mateo County. Project types may include restoring fish passage by removing barriers; wetland restoration; creek enhancement such as floodplain restoration or large wood installation; vegetation management; upgrades to domestic water supplies; building and improving ponds and storage tanks to enhance streamflow for wildlife and improve water security for users such as farmers, communities, and public parks; rural road assessment and upgrades; repairs to or construction of culverts and road crossings; gully and landslide repair; and others.

The RCD seeks qualified contractors to support various activities related to these projects including:

  • Project planning and development (habitat assessments, initial site investigations, mapping, cultural resource assessments, etc.)
  • Technical surveys (e.g. topographic, hydrologic, hydraulic, geomorphic, etc.)
  • Designs (concept to 100%; engineering, geotechnical, civil, etc.)
  • Grant and proposal writing support
  • Permitting and environmental compliance (e.g. CEQA, Coastal Development Permits, CDFW Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements, USACE 404 authorizations, RWQCB 401 certifications, avoidance and minimization measures, biological assessments, cultural resources, etc.)
  • Implementation oversight support (e.g. biological and cultural resource monitoring, construction oversight, wage/labor compliance, etc.)

An optional pre-submittal virtual meeting will be held on November 15, 2022 at 2:00 pm via Zoom (link), which will allow prospective contractors to ask questions regarding the request for qualifications, the program areas, subsequent projects, and other inquiries. 

Questions and answers from the pre-submittal meeting and any subsequent questions received through the Q&A period ending November 28 will be available here (posted 11/16/22).

Submittals will be accepted until December 2, 2022 at 5:00 pm. Send qualification via email to Late submissions will not be considered.